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Chibi Ness - by Artemis251

Chibi Ness

Ness looking super kawaii with a Mr. Saturn perched on top of his head.

Other Submissions by Artemis251

Author Sort Ascending Sort Descending Title Sort Ascending Sort Descending Description Sort Ascending Sort Descending Date Sort Ascending Sort Descending Rank Sort Ascending Sort Descending
Artemis251 Rock Candy Trick
An Artemis251 "Tips and Tricks"
2/7/05 0.00
Artemis251 PSI Starstorm Omega
Poo, from EarthBound, also has a unique power - the power to shake stars from the sky and rain them down upon foes. PSI STARSTORM OMEGA!
12/31/04 8.00
Artemis251 Smilin' Sphere
Why in the world is this Sphere Smilin'? Let's poke it with a stick and find out. :0 ((SPLODE))
12/31/04 8.00
Artemis251 Smiles and Tears
The Chosen Four waking up after the battle of a lifetime.
12/31/04 10.00
Artemis251 Saturn Valley
The mystery of these strangely intelligent creatures might never be revealed.
12/31/04 9.00


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